Summer on the Road

You would not be reading this if it weren’t for the Summer of 2022.

I was fortunate to be a part of two life-changing field courses led by Dr. Jerod Foster. Now I know that “Life-changing” is a cliche, one that I am guilty of using. However, I cannot understate how transformative these experiences were for me, and I’m not the only one!

I did the Junction Maymester program doing a field photography course, where we were out in and around the TTU Junction Campus and around South-West Texas. As well as Jerod Foster’s ‘Great Plains Project’ where a group of students and I followed Dr. Foster through 4 states, across 900 miles, over 14 days while he was gravel cycling to film a documentary highlighting the Great Plains. (Unfortunatley this project has been scrapped but part 2 is en route as we speak, which I will have the honor of joining in a couple of days!)

Through both of these trips, I learned…well everything…composition, how to edit, and how to tell a captivating story through photo and video. Being in these field courses forces me and my classmates to constantly adapt and be fully immersed and focus on our new craft. To this day some of my favorite (and perhaps some of my best) photos I have ever taken were from these experiences.

In a way it is poetic or however you might say, because now I work in the department that helps fund these trips/courses. I get to help students go through what I did, explore new places, make incredible friends, discover passions, and tell meaningful stories.

The following photos are all ones I submitted for my portfolios for each class…thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoy them!


An Ode To East Texas